
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Struggles & Suffering

Hey all,

All of us experience suffering and pain at some point or another.  All of us struggle with life.  Some of our struggles may actually span our lifetime, like struggles with addiction, insecurity, and identity, or the suffering of divorce, loss, disappointment, and so on.

What really stinks, too, is that the devil doesn't really fight fair.  He plays dirty.  He revels in attacking us when we are at our weakest and throws 'personal' punches, which are the most emotionally-involved and mentally draining struggles and suffering of all.

But today, I want to put our struggles and suffering in perspective.  Whatever your battle, I pray you find some peace and encouragement in this.
  • God loves you.  Of primary importance for every life on earth is exposure to the great love of God the Father.  The span of Scripture tells of God's overwhelming desire to intimately interact with us.  When the human race sinned and slapped God in the face, it would have been easy for Him to shrug and walk away – or worse!  But He asked Jesus to die on the cross for you, bridging the gap, and allowing reunion.  God is using every moment of your life to connect with you.  He will (and wants to) turn your struggles and suffering into a means to connect with you on a deep and glorious level, if you will let Him.
  • God is holy.  And He has a plan.  Our sovereign Creator has an ultimate, overarching purpose at heart, which is to redeem as many people as possible to worship Him.  In the midst of struggles and suffering, I find solace in knowing that God is tying my pain somehow into His grand plan.  My struggle is not in vain, nor is it being wasted.  Friend, your struggle is not in vain, nor is it being wasted.
  • Heaven is our home.  How short is this life.  Our struggles and suffering will one day yield to eternity, where this life will be but a memory.  We will no longer struggle under the oppression of sin, experience anguish and grief, or wilt under loss.  Our glorious hope is this: God will reward our perseverance with blessed peace and joy, and with His wonderful presence.
Never give up.  Hold on to Jesus with everything you are.

Grace and peace..

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