Here in Johnstown, it's getting chillier and chillier... but verily, verily I say unto you that I love cold weather! Mind you, I don't fancy being cold, but the idea of cold weather makes me downright giddy. It means cozying up next to a fireplace.. snuggling up in a blanket.. decorating sugar cookies.. watching snow fall.. and Christmas. Not much longer now, my friends!
Anyway, today I want to make another contribution to my 'worship leading' series.. Here we are in installment #22! I want to discuss "keeping the well full".. a topic that can apply to all areas of ministry, not just worship.
It is dangerous (and dangerously easy) to allow our only times of worship to God to be the times we are leading worship.
If this is the case, you will recognize it soon enough, because you'll begin to feel that you are drawing from an empty well. The passion will slowly fizzle; the meaning will evaporate. If you keep scraping the bottom of your well long enough, you might even notice some toxic fruit developing, like sarcasm, cynicism, or bitterness. Friends, no! The anointing on your life is too great – too many are depending on your contribution to the Kingdom – for you to allow this!
Instead, our public worship ought to be an extension of our private worship. What happens on the platform should be the overflow of what happens because we spend meaningful time with Jesus.
If you are leading someone to Whole Foods, you must first know how to get there yourself. You cannot lead someone to a place you have never been before, and the same applies to leading God's people in worship. Entering into God's presence must be familiar territory for us worship leaders so we can take people along with us in corporate settings with ease and authenticity. We must visit His presence regularly.. so often, in fact, that we find ourselves abiding there.
So, worship pastors, let's keep the well full! It's your responsibility to invest into your own well.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: the anointing on your life is too great – too many are depending on your contribution to the Kingdom – for you to draw from an empty well. Pour into yourself the things of God.. immerse yourself in a Kingdom culture.. and lead from a place of sincerity and gladness.
My heart,
P.S. Since next Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the USA, I'm going to skip blogging next week and will resume again the following Thursday. I hope you all have a very wonderful holiday!!
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